Education and Demonstration Garden Construction
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At the Keney Park Sustainability Project our goal is to support the development and sustainability of community-based food systems, i.e., farmers markets, community gardens, school based gardening, agricultural project and home gardens. We protect and preserve the 693 acre urban forest named Keney Park by providing individuals employable landscaping and forest management skills. As a result creating the next generation of employable parks workers and Environmental stewards. Additionally we educate families about the impact of the environment on mental, physical and spiritual health by practicing sustainable techniques that promote a healthy symbiotic relationship between us and our environment.

Education and Demonstration Garden
Generating our own food supply allows us to expand our knowledge in the food system and in our communitites. Not only that, but teaching neighbors to grow their own food is empowering because of the change it can precepitate within individuals and within a group of people.
With its accessibility on school grounds, garden-based education intersects with parallel movements such as outdoor education, place-based education, experiential education, nature-based education, environmental education, and sustainability education. Gardens will likely continue to be of significance in education as there are growing uncertainties globally about food security and health matters related to climate change.
Benefits of a garden are
The decreased dependence on a corporate food system which is host to near-invisible maladies:exploitatiopn of, violence against, and inhumane treatment of farm workers and animals; pollution and climate change. As well as food apartheid manisfested through malnutrition , diet-related health problems, and decreased mental well-being.